Opening Ceremony Speakers
Opening Ceremony Speakers
Session 1 : Tech of the future:  predictions for our world in 2050
Session 1 : Tech of the future: predictions for our world in 2050

Experience of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in Building A Remote Worker Productivity Measurement Model
Tech Hub Through the IT Park Project
Future Hyper-Connected Cities…

Session  2:The future of work : Embracing purpose,   potential, perspective, and possibility (Part 1)
Session 2:The future of work : Embracing purpose, potential, perspective, and possibility (Part 1)

Retrofitting Emplouees' Potentials: Investing in Resilience
The Digital Economy and the Future of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Retrofitting Emplouees' Potentials: Investing in…

Session 3 : New directions in the energy :and water
Session 3 : New directions in the energy :and water

Energy Mixture - Traditional and Renewable and Shedding Light on Smart Solutions
The Role of Innovation in Transforming the Energy Sector
Future of Energy: Can We Live off-the-Grid?

Session 4: Digital Human Happiness
Session 4: Digital Human Happiness
VR Past and Future The Importance of A Healthy Ecosystem within Esport The Leti Arts Game Development Process. Happy Machines? Artificial Intelligence Governance and Organization
Session  5: Foresight: Science for Navigating Critical Transitions
Session 5: Foresight: Science for Navigating Critical Transitions

Evidence-based Foresight as a central theme for S20 Saudi Arabia 2020
S20 Saudi Arabia final statement and recommendations
Insights from the four S20 Taskforces: Future of Health: Universal…

Session 6:The future of work : Embracing purpose, potential, perspective, and possibility (Part 2)
Session 6:The future of work : Embracing purpose, potential, perspective, and possibility (Part 2)

Innovation-Driven Organizations
The Future of Work and Income in An Accelerating World
Retrofitting Employees' Potentials: Investing in Resilience
"Change is an Inner Journey"
Future Work…

Session 7 : Roundtable: Crisis Management - Effective Experiences and Practices
Session 7 : Roundtable: Crisis Management - Effective Experiences and Practices

The Role of the Media Operations Room in Facing the Challenges of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How can Cities cope with the Corona Pandemic Crisis?
The Role of Universities and Research Centers in Crisis…

Session 8 : KSA Technology Future Perspectives
Session 8 : KSA Technology Future Perspectives
The importance of Technology forecast Methodology used in the report KSA future technology perspectives
Session 9 : Panorama (ASBAR in T20 )
Session 9 : Panorama (ASBAR in T20 )

ASBAR Council as a Saudi think tank capable of participating in T20 activities
Review of the activities which ASBAR Forum participated in, starting from the T20 Japan Summit
A member of the Forum…

Session 10 : Redefining Education
Session 10 : Redefining Education

Digital Education is A Necessity, Not A Luxury
Redefining Education: The University Role in Building a Thriving 21st Century
Assessments in e-learning…

Session 11 : Health 2050 – Human-Driven Health
Session 11 : Health 2050 – Human-Driven Health

Future Applications in Health
Big data, biotechnology and the individual: opportunities and challenges in future health care
The role of artificial intelligence in improving the quality of life and…

Session 12 : Ask the Experts :  Digital economy and the future of SMEs
Session 12 : Ask the Experts : Digital economy and the future of SMEs

Unleashing Africa SME Potential in A Digital World
The Elements of the Difference between the Digital and the Traditional Economy, and How to Activate Them to Raise the Competitiveness of Small and…

Session 13 : A world Without Epidemics Global Health Security: Coordination for a global response to confront Corona
Session 13 : A world Without Epidemics Global Health Security: Coordination for a global response to confront Corona
Pandemics: have we learnt our lessons yet The role of the individual and society in achieving that dream Science is a global mission “Covid–19 “ as an example
Session 14 : What’s Next ?
Session 14 : What’s Next ?

Panel session that brings together the sessions moderators  to summarize the most important points discussed during the conference days ,and to develop a road map for the most important initiatives…

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